Keyple Service Resource Java Lib - 3.0.1


An application that performs secure transactions on smart cards may need to dynamically allocate a card resource dedicated to the current transaction to manage the security of the transaction (e.g. SAM or HSM).

To meet this need, Keyple proposes the Service Resource component which provides a service that supports dynamic card resource allocation, using a profile-based filtering mechanism.


  • card resource locking during use;
  • automatic monitoring of observable plugins and readers;
  • customizable profile-based filtering mechanism (specific plugins list, reader name using regular expression, reader group name for pool plugins, specific card selection);
  • specific reader configuration capability;
  • allocation priority management;
  • two allocation modes (blocking, non-blocking);
  • multiple allocation strategies (first available card resource, cyclic, random);
  • configurable allocation timeout;
  • failure management.

Operating mode

  1. Access to the service
  2. Access to the configurator
  3. Register plugins and/or pool plugins to be used
  4. Define profiles for card resource filtering
  5. Set the allocation mode (optional)
  6. Apply the configuration
  7. Start the service
  8. Allocate a resource
  9. Use the resource
  10. Release the used resource
Interfaces and classes of the Card Resource Service.
Interfaces to be implemented by applications using the Card Resource Service.